City Lounge: A Red Carpeted Urban Living Room

Carlos Martinez and Pipilotti Rist's Innovative Public Space Design

City Lounge in St. Gallen, Switzerland, is an innovative public space design that redefines the concept of a city square. Created by Carlos Martinez and Pipilotti Rist, this urban living room is a unique blend of art and architecture, transforming an underused space into a vibrant, inviting, and functional area for the public.

The design concept of City Lounge breaks with common notions of public space. Analogous to the different areas of a lounge, the quarter presents itself as a succession of zones devoted to basic themes and functions such as the cloakroom, the reception, the business lounge, or the foyer. The external fronts of the buildings may at the same time be understood as internal façades or wallpapers of the lounge, blurring the lines between interior and exterior.

What sets City Lounge apart is its unique granulated rubber flooring that unifies every square and spared spot of the Raiffeisen quarter into a homogeneous whole. This haptically pleasant, cosy red carpet unfolds over the entire furniture, presenting a deliberate contrast to the hard precision of the built surroundings. The surface is similar to the soft surface of a sports field, offering a comfortable and inviting space for pedestrians.

The design was realized using granulated red rubber, a material typically found in sports fields. Covering an area of 4,600 m2, the continuous surface of red granulated rubber across pedestrian, recreation, and rest areas brings cohesion to an area of irregular and unconnected voids. This innovative use of material slows down movement and tempts pedestrians to slow down, stop, and touch their surroundings.

The project was built in two stages, starting in 2004 and finishing in 2011. The designers faced the challenge of creating a space that would not only be visually appealing but also functional and inviting. They succeeded in transforming a previously underused space into a vibrant city lounge, redefining the concept of public space and setting a new standard for urban design.

The City Lounge project was awarded Platinum in A' Street and City Furniture Design Award in 2017, a testament to its innovative design and impact on urban living. This award recognizes world-class, exceptional, and highly innovative designs that showcase unmatched professionalism, contribute to societal wellbeing, and make the world a better place.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Carlos Martinez Architekten
Image Credits: #1: Photographer Hannes Thalmann, Bleicheli, 2008
Project Team Members: Architect: Carlos Martinez Artist: Pipilotti Rist
Project Name: City Lounge, St. Gallen
Project Client: Carlos Martinez Architekten

City Lounge, St. Gallen IMG #2
City Lounge, St. Gallen IMG #3
City Lounge, St. Gallen IMG #4
City Lounge, St. Gallen IMG #5
City Lounge, St. Gallen IMG #5

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